Metrology Division

The Metrology Division within the Department of Research and Innovation (DRI) is the organization designated by law in Myanmar to develop, maintain and disseminate the national measurement standards of Myanmar to industry and Government. This is to ensure uniformity of measurement and their traceability to the international System on Units (SI) throughout the country.

Vision of the Metrology Division

To be a representative, transparent, competent and worldwide recognized national metrology institute

Mission of the Metrology Division

  • To be a leader in scientific, industrial and legal metrology in Myanmar
  • To constantly strive for the admiration and trust of customers
  • To promote and support an integrated measurement infrastructure in Myanmar

The Role and Functions of the Metrology Division

  • Establishing the national measurement system of units and participation in international metrology activities;
  • Establishing and maintaining traceability of measurement to the SI;
  • Disseminating the legal units of measurements to all sectors in the country;
  • Providing a sound Metrology basis to the National Accreditation System and
  • Providing education, training and consultancy in metrology to all stakeholders.

The Metrology Division has three units:

  • Scientific Metrology
  • Legal Metrology
  • Industrial Metrology

Scientific Metrology

The Scientific Metrology has the responsibility of maintaining the national measurements standards and to disseminate them through calibrations services to industry and government laboratories. The Metrology Division has the basic equipment and instrumentation to serve as the highest order National Standards. Currently, the Metrology Division conducts measurement and calibration services for Mass, Temperature, Pressure, Dimensional, Electrical and Volume. Our focus at this time is the refurbishment of our laboratories, acquiring modern suitable measurement standards and developing a quality system with the aim of the laboratories achieving internationally recognized accreditation.

Industrial Metrology

The Metrology Division will provide a host of verification and calibration services to industry and other stakeholders to insure that measurements made in factories are accurate and are traceable to our national measurement system. To implement above issues, Metrology Division will development high-level facilities of metrology laboratories to support verification of instruments and prepare as a priority to support the control of weighing instruments and prepackaged goods.

Legal Metrology

The Legal Metrology Unit’s primary function is to insure that measurements related to trade, specifically in the area of weights and measures are accurate and fair.  Carrying out this function, the Legal Metrology Unit conducts inspection and verification of measuring instruments in the market place and in its laboratories for:

  • Testing of electricity meters
  • Scales in the market place
  • Verification of petroleum pumps
  • Verification of Water supply meters
  • Verification of the volume of petroleum tanker trucks
  • Verification of the weight of Pre-Packaged goods in the market place

The Metrology Division has to establish verification services for legal metrology after promulgating the Law on Metrology. It is proposed to take a phased approach to the implementation of Legal metrology verification services for issuing verification certificates that a measuring instrument complies with Myanmar’s statutory requirements. The Metrology Division will oversee the setting of requirements for all measurements that will be regulated under the law and the technical requirements for the measuring instruments to be used for these measurements. As a starting point for implementation, the regulated measurements will include the fundamental trade measurements to ensure consumer production and a level playing field for manufacturers who produce prepackaged goods and other measureable products, which will promote competition and fair trade.

International Organizations  of Metrology

 Bureau International des Poids et Measures (BIPM)

The task of the BIPM is to ensure world-wide uniformity of measurements and their  traceability to the International System of Units (SI).

 International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML)

The(OIML is an intergovernmental treaty organization,  established in 1955 in order to promote the global harmonization of legal metrology procedures.

The Asia-Pacific Legal Metrology Forum (APLMF)

The Asia-Pacific Legal Metrology Forum (APLMF) is a grouping of legal metrology authorities in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies and other economies on the Pacific Rim, whose objective is the development of legal metrology and the promotion of free and open trade in the region through the harmonization and removal of technical or administrative barriers to trade in the field of legal metrology.

Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme (APMP)

The APMP is a grouping of national metrology institute (NMIs) from Asia-Pacific region engaged in improving regional metrology.

Metrology is the “science of measurement”. Metrology includes all theoretical and practical aspects of measurement.

What is Metrology?

A lot of people confuse metrology with meteorology , because the latter is well known from the daily weather forecasts in the newspapers, TV and radio. Metrology is the science of measurement and its application. It includes all aspects both theoretical and practical with reference to measurements. Whatever their uncertainty, and in whatever fields of science or technology they occur.

Why is Metrology important?

Measurements have been carried out for as long as civilization has existed. Metrology is basic to the economic and social development of a country. It is concerned with providing accurate measurements which impact our economy, health, safety and general well-being.
We practically measure everything we encounter – e.g. the weight of our food, the volume of our fuel, the distance between two points, the temperature of the room, the noise at the workplace, and the list goes on and on. Wrong measurement results lead to wrong decisions, which can have serious consequences, costing a lot of money and even lives. Therefore it is important to have accurate and reliable measurements.

How is Metrology used in everyday life?

Using the analogy, without metrology, life would be very difficult. Imagine doing the following without (Metrology) measurement:
• Going to the gas station to fill up your vehicle and trying to figure out whether you are getting an exact litre of gas for the price you paid.
• The scanners at grocery stores incorrectly reading the bar codes on items you are purchasing.
• Getting your outsourced parts from one country to find out they do not fit the mating part made in another country.
• Over filling (a loss to you) or under filling (illegal by trade laws) jars of peanut butter in your production facility.
• Breaking a record at a sporting event by milliseconds and not receiving credit.
• Administering a lifesaving medication when an overdose can have life threatening implications and an under dose can have no effects.
• Having vision correction surgery using a laser technique without knowing whether the laser’s power is accurate.

What are the different types of Metrology?

Metrology is a very broad field and may be divided into three subfields:
• Scientific or fundamental metrology concerns the establishment of quantity systems, unit systems, units of measurement, the development of new measurement methods, realisation of measurement standards and the transfer of traceability from these standards to users in society.
• Applied or industrial metrology concerns the application of measurement science to manufacturing and other processes and their use in society, ensuring the suitability of measurement instruments, their calibration and quality control of measurements.
• Legal metrology concerns regulatory requirements of measurements and measuring instruments for the protection of health, public safety, the environment, enabling taxation, protection of consumers and fair trade.

Who is BIPM?

The International Bureau of Weights and Measures BIPM) was set up by the Metre Convention and has its headquarters near Paris, France. It is financed jointly by its Member States and operates under the exclusive supervision of the International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM).

The CIPM is made up of eighteen individuals, each from a different Member State under the Metre Convention. Its principal task is to promote world-wide uniformity in units of measurement and it does this by direct action or by submitting draft resolutions to the General Conference.

The BIPM mandate is to provide the basis for a single, coherent system of measurements throughout the world, traceable to the International System of Units (SI). This task takes many forms,

from direct dissemination of units (as in the case of mass and time) to coordination through international comparisons of national measurement standards (as in electricity and ionizing radiation).

How do I make a good Measurement?

Good measurement relies on the integrity of the measuring equipment used. It is often not easy to measure correctly. We rely on complicated instruments and if we do not understand their operational principles or know how to use them, we can easily get wrong results. The task of metrology, and indeed the job of a metrologist, is to achieve the dependable measurement results that are needed for ensuring quality and efficiency of production in industry, fairness in trade, consumer protection, health and safety of human and animal life and protection of the environment. To this end, metrologists are continuously involved in the development of new measurement techniques, instrumentation and procedures, to satisfy the ever-increasing demand for accuracy, reliability and speed of measurements.

What are the SI units? Why do we need them?

The SI is a coherent system of units for the measurement of all physical quantities. It was started officially in France in 1799. There are seven base units which are generally defined and realised using methods linked as much as possible to a physical phenomenon that is natural and highly reproducible.

The establishment of SI units has led to big productivity improvements. It has facilitated the universal use of the metric system of measurement and made it much easier for companies to import and export parts and models specified according to their measurement.

Table of the Seven SI Base Units

Base Quantity Name Symbol
Length metre m
Mass kilogram kg
Time second s
Electric current ampere A
Thermodynamic temperature kelvin K
Amount of substance mole mol
Luminous intensity candela cd

What is Calibration?

Good measurement relies on the integrity of the measuring equipment used. No matter how sophisticated measuring equipment is, it degrades with time due to thermal, mechanical, electrical, and environmental effects. This degradation affects the reliability of the measurements and may be offset by a process known as calibration. Calibration is simply the comparison of the measuring instrument or equipment’s performance to a reference standard of known accuracy, to determine the errors and adjustment required. Properly calibrated equipment ensures the quality of the measurements made and provides confidence that the company’s products and services meet customer specifications all over the world.

What is Traceability?

The basic concept behind calibration is that the measuring equipment should be tested against a standard of higher accuracy. These calibrations need to be done on a planned, periodic basis with evidence of the comparison results being recorded and maintained. The records must include identification of the specific standards used (which must be within their assigned calibration interval),

as well as the methods/conditions used in the calibration process. These records should demonstrate an unbroken chain of comparisons that ends at the agency responsible for maintaining and developing a country’s measurement standards (now generically known as a national metrology institute). This demonstrable linkage to national standards, with known accuracy, is known as traceability.

Strategic Plan for Metrology (2016-2021)


Today, new technology and innovation, development in industries worldwide, the growing practice of manufacturers jointly producing goods or providing services, the stiffer competition in trade, the greater expectations in public safety, consumer protection and healthcare, and the demand for higher quality of goods dictate an urgent need for greater accuracy, reliability and harmony in measurements within a country and among countries.
Metrology, together with the other components of a country’s quality infrastructure (like standards, testing, certification, accreditation, quality assurance), ensures that one gets the right weight of rice or meat or the right volume of gasoline that one pays for. It ensures that spare parts of cars or airplanes made in one country accurately fit other parts produced in another country. It assures one that the radiation one gets from an x-ray machine is within safe limits. All these are possible with the right practice of metrology. All these are benefits from reliable and accurate measurements, whether they are related to the regulated areas (consumer protection & welfare) or the non-regulated areas (quality assurance, competitiveness and innovation).
There are many reasons why a national metrology strategy is necessary. It will provide a much deeper understanding of metrology, create greater awareness and enable Myanmar to establish a national metrology infrastructure that is best suited to the accurate measurement needs of all Myanmar stakeholders. It will provide common goals for the private and public sectors working towards establishing a system that is in harmony with international metrology standards and best practices to achieve reliable, accurate measurements in the country. Formulating a consensual National vision in such a complex field requires an extensively multidimensional approach. Tradition, available human resources, industrial structure, existing centres of excellence, economic policy priorities, overall competitiveness of the economy are only some of the basic dimensions that have a direct impact on the National Strategy.

A national metrology strategy is a prerequisite to developing a strong national metrological infrastructure that, in turn, will help strengthen the position of Myanmar in its international commitments, such as the World Trade Organization(WTO-TBT Agreement) of the upcoming ASEAN 2015 economic community and implementation of ASEAN 2016-2025 strategic plan. It will also help establish Myanmar as an acceptable major production base in the Asian region for international markets and would lay a base for its commitment to better consumer welfare, public safety, or environmental change. A national metrology strategy shall increase the country’s chance of success through time in the complete implementation of an operating national quality infrastructure.

The positive economic forecast for Myanmar made by government institutions and the private sector make it even more timely to develop a national metrology strategy if the country wants to achieve the economic prospects.

ASEAN neighbours invested heavily in their metrological infrastructure and legal framework over the last years. In Vietnam just recently a very modern metrology law came into force. Thailand and other countries have an autonomous National Metrology Institute with its own budget. Notably impressive is the increase of measurement capabilities in these countries as well as in Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines. Therefore it is now urgent for Myanmar to catch up in building a national quality infrastructure in which metrology is a key component and the National Metrology Institute (NMI) of Myanmar is the lead agency in the development of a national metrology strategy.

Consistent with the National Quality Policy and in fulfilment of the requirements of the Metrology Law, the Metrology Division of the Department of Research and Innovation

  • will be a leader in scientific, industrial and legal metrology in Myanmar,
  • will constantly strive for the admiration and trust of customers,
  • will promote and support an integrated measurement infrastructure in Myanmar,
  • will be a representative, transparent, competent and worldwide-recognized National Metrology I

Six strategies (or strategic goals) will be pursued and these are to

  1. establish national measurement standards,
  2. establish traceable calibration services,
  3. establish verification services for legal metrology,
  4. support the establishment of accredited second-tier calibration services,
  5. engage with stakeholders,
  6. conduct research on measurement issues.


Metrology Strategic Plan (2016 to 2021) for Myanmar

(Stakeholder Workshops)

International Cooperation

The Metrology Division has international cooperation with UNIDO, PTB, GIZ, JICA and USAID to promote a modern and effective metrology infrastructure. The metrology division is also the legal metrology focal point of WG3 under ACCSQ. The Metrology Division will soon be seeking membership and participation in international metrology organizations.

UNIDO Technical Assistances

  • Revised Metrology law by UNIDO legal expert
  • Provided training of calibration (Volume) in local
  • Technical Assistance Training (Theory)for Industrial Metrology(2014)
  • Technical Assistance Training for Legal Metrology(2015)
  • Survey team will provide data for Industrial Metrology.
  • Proposed to renovate the existing laboratories
  • Proposed to support lab equipment. (Dimension, Temperature, Mass and Balance)

PTB Technical Assistances

  • Provided draft Metrology Law
  • Provided study visit to establish NMI
  • Donated Mass E2 Class and Some environmental equipments for Mass Lab
  • Provided calibration training for Mass , Electrical, Dimension and Temperature in NIMT
  • Providing the training for existing laboratory to be accreditated (ISO/IEC 17025)
  • Drafting the strategic plan for Metrology from 2016-2021

USAID Technical Assistances

  • Revised Metrology Law(Draft)
  • Delivered document regarding NMI
  • Donated Multi Product Calibrator and Precision 6.5 Digital Multimeter by Fluke.
  • Donated Radian Energy Reference Standard by Radian Research, Inc .
  • Arrangement of donation of workplace training  (computer based E learning  training programs for precession measurement )

JICA Technical Assistances

  • Provided Study Visit in NIMJ  and Secondary Calibration Laboratories to establish NIM  in Myanmar
  • Proposed to establish Time and Frequency Calibration Laboratory (JICA ODA Project).
  • Proposed to establish Rice Moisture Calibration Laboratory (JICA ODA Project)

GIZ Technical Assistances

  • Provided Metrology Expert  for the assessment of volume & pressure laboratories  in industries (GIZ ‘support)
  • Proposed to support  Volume  Standards equipments and trainings for Volume Calibration Laboratory

Proposed to  support  Pressure Standards equipments and training for Pressure Calibration Laboratory

Dimensional Calibration Laboratory

Dimensional Laboratory
Description Range
Vernier Caliper


0 – 1000 mm


(0-25) mm, (25-50) mm, …….   (275-300) mm
Dial Gauge & Dial Test indicator 0-10 mm
Measuring Tape & Measuring Ruler All Range
Radius Gauge All Range
Feeler Gauge All Range
Angle (Inside/Outside) 0-360°
Sieve Diameter mm
Engineering Square/ Protractor 0-360°
Gauge Block 0 – 300 mm
Thickness 0 – 100 mm


Dimensional Lab
Type of Measuring Range ဈေးနှုန်း (ကျပ်) Remark
Measurement Report Calibration Certificate
Vernier Caliper using with standard slip gauge (0 – 150) mm 30,000
(0 – 1000) mm 10,000
Micrometer using with standard slip gauge (0 – 25) mm 30,000
(25 – 50)mm, (50 – 75) mm,… (225 – 300) mm 6,000
Thickness (using micrometer) (0 – 25) mm 6,000
Thickness  (using profile projector) (0 – 100) mm 10,000
Angle using profile projector (0 to 360)° 10,000
Sieve Diameter using profile projector mm 16,000
Gauge Block using Vernier Caliper (0 – 300) mm 2,000/piece
Feeler Gauge 1 – 5 Blades 5,000
1 – 10 Blades 10,000
1 – 15 Blades 15,000
Above 15 blades, every additional blade +1,000
Dial Gauge and Dial Test Indicator (0 – 10) mm 6,000
Measuring Tape 1 m 3,000
Ruler 1 m 15,000
Ruler 1 ft 10,000


Dimensional  Laboratory (ထပ်တိုး ဈေးနှုန်းများ)
Type of Measuring Range ဈေးနှုန်း (ကျပ်) Remark
Measurement Report Calibration Certificate
Radius Gauge

(Gauge Fillet Set)

             1 blade 3000                –

Weight and Balance Calibration Laboratory


  • Maintain National Standards of Mass
  • Disseminate of SI unit of Mass to users through calibration services of mass and balances
  • Provide training on mass and balances

Weight/Mass Calibration

Mass Calibration Laboratory is providing the calibration service for your secondary mass standards in testing laboratory and working standards maintained in your factory and industry.

Mass Class Range





(1 mg-20 kg)

(1 mg-20 kg)

(1 mg-20 kg)

(1 mg-20 kg)

(1 mg-20 kg)

Calibration Measurement Capability (CMC) forMass / Weight

Measurement Quantity Range Expanded


k = 2

Mass 1 mg 0.006 mg Direct substitution against Weights OIML Class E2
2 mg 0.006 mg
5 mg 0.006 mg
10 mg 0.008 mg
20 mg 0.010 mg
50 mg 0.012 mg
100 mg 0.016 mg
200 mg 0.020 mg
500 mg 0.025 mg
1 g 0.03 mg
2 g 0.04 mg
5 g 0.05 mg
10 g 0.06 mg
20 g 0.08 mg
50 g 0.10 mg
100 g 0.16 mg
200 g 0.30 mg
500 g 0.80 mg
1 kg 1.60 mg
2 kg 3 mg
5 kg 8 mg
10 kg 16 mg
20 kg 30 mg

Electronic Balance Calibration (on-site Calibration)

Calibration of Electronic Balance up to 5 decimal places in gram at your Testing Laboratory, Factory and Industry. Using Standard Reference Weight traceable to International, National Metrology Institute, Accredited Calibration Laboratory.

Electronic Balance

 (Single-range & Multi-range Up to 40 kg)

Semi-micro balances Resolution, d = 0.01 mg
Analytical balances Resolution , d = 0.1 mg
Precision balances Resolution , d = 1 g -1 mg

Calibration Measurement Capability (CMC) for Balance

Measurement Quantity Range Expanded


k = 2

Balance 1 g 0.01 mg Using with EURAMET cg-18

weights OIML Class E2

2 g 0.01 mg
5 g 0.02 mg
10 g 0.02 mg
20 g 0.03 mg
50 g 0.03 mg
100 g 0.05 mg
200 g 0.10 mg
500 g 0.27 mg
1 kg 0.53 mg
2 kg 1.00 mg
5 kg 2.67 mg
10 kg 5.33 mg
20 kg 10.0 mg
30 kg 15.0 mg
40 kg 20.0 mg


Example of Calibration Certificate for Electronic Balance and Weight Sets

Calibration Certificate for Weight Sets

Calibration Certificate for Electronic Balance

Calibration Fees for Electronic Balance Calibration

Range Maximum Capacity Resolution Calibration Fee (kyat)
Single Up to 2 kg 5 decimal

4 decimal

Up to 2 kg 3 decimal

2 decimal

1 decimal

Up to 10 kg 3 decimal 60000
Up to 10 kg 2 decimal

1 decimal

Up to 20 kg 3 decimal 80000
Up to 20 kg 2 decimal

1 decimal

Up to 30 kg 3 decimal 100000
Up to 30 kg 2 decimal

1 decimal

Up to 40 kg 3 decimal 120000
Up to 40 kg 2 decimal

1 decimal

Multi-range Up to 2 kg 5decimal



Calibration Fees for Weight Calibration

Weight Class Range Calibration Fee (kyat)
F1 (1 mg – 2 kg) 15000 (per piece)
(5 kg – 10 kg) 18000 (per piece)
F2 / M1 (1 mg – 2 kg) 12000 (per piece)
(5 kg – 10 kg) 15000 (per piece)
M2 / M3 (1 mg – 2 kg) 10000 (per piece)
(5 kg – 10 kg) 13000 (per piece)
Any class 20 kg 23000 (per piece)

Electrical Calibration Laboratory

TIME Electronics 5025 C Multifunction Calibrator
Description Range
DC Voltage

AC Voltage

DC Current

AC Current



0 to 1050 V

1mV to 1050V

0 to 22A

10uA to 22A

10W to 1GW Decade Values

10nF to 1uF

Fluke 5502 A Multi-Product Calibrator
Description Range
DC Voltage

AC Voltage

DC Current

AC Current



0 to 1020 V

1 mV to 1020 V from 10 Hz to 500 kHz

0 to 20.5 A

29 mA to 20.5 A with variable freq:limits

0 to 1100 MW

220 pF to 110 mF

Electrical Lab 
Type of Measuring Range ဈေးနှုန်း (ကျပ်) Remark
Measurement Report Calibration Certificate
Digital Clamp Meter AC Voltage 10,000 4 ½ digit
DC Voltage 10,000 4 ½ digit
AC Current 10,000 4 ½ digit
DC Current 10,000 4 ½ digit
Resistance 10,000 4 ½ digit
Capacitance 10,000 4 ½ digit
Multi Meter AC Voltage 10,000 4 ½ digit
DC Voltage 10,000 4 ½ digit
AC Current 10,000 4 ½ digit
DC Current 10,000 4 ½ digit
Resistance 10,000 4 ½ digit
Capacitance 10,000 4 ½ digit

Temperature Calibration Laboratory

Equipments Range
Digital Thermometer -90°C to 125 °C

(Calibration certificate)

Liquid in Glass Thermometer 0°C  to 90°C

(Measurement Report)


Temperature Lab
Measurement Calibration
Digital Thermometer -90°C to 120°C 20,000
Liquid in Glass 0°C to 90°C 5,000

Volumetric Measurement Laboratory

Volume Laboratory


Burette 0-100 ml
Volumetric Flask 0-1000 ml
Measuring cylinder 0-100 ml
Conical flask 0-500 ml
Pipette 0-25 ml

Price List

Volume Lab
Volumetric measuring cylinder (0 – 100) ml 10,000
Burette (0 – 100) ml 10,000
Volumetric Flask (0 – 1000) ml 10,000
Gallon Cup 1 to 5 gallon 20,000
Below 1 gallon 10,000
Liter Cup (5 – 20) L 10,000
Below 5 L 7,000
Beaker (0 – 500) ml 10,000
Above 500 ml 15,000
Conical Flask (0 – 500) ml 10,000
Above 500 ml 15,000
Pipette (0 – 25) ml 10,000

Pressure Measurement Laboratory

Pressure Laboratory
Pressure Gauge 0 to 4000 psi


Pressure Lab
Pressure Gauge (0 – 200) psi 10,000
(above 200 – 4000) psi 15,000

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