On 14 October 2024, National Standards Council Meeting was held on Meeting Hall, Ministry of Science and Technology at Naypyitaw via hybrid system National Standards Council (NSC) Members including Deputy Ministers and permanent secretary from relevant ministries, director generals, the members from UMFCCI, Myanmar Engineering Council, Myanmar Computer Federation and Eminent persons from relevant sectors had also been attended. Accordingly, the chairman of National Standards Council, Union Minister of Science and Technology, Dr. Myo Thein Kyaw was delivered the opening speech and then the secretary of National Standards Council, Department of Research and Innovation, Director General, Dr. Phyu Phyu Win had also presented about the previous activities approved from National Standards Council Meeting (1/2023), to get the approval of final draft (70) standards after public enquiry stage into Myanmar Standards, (86) draft standards on the proposal stage, the committee stage and the public comment stage from relevant technical sub-committees, Sales of Myanmar Standards by Soft Copy to comply with WTO/TBT agreement at International and Regional level, and the activities of National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) implemented by relevant ministries. The final draft (70) standards into Myanmar Standards and Sales of Myanmar Standards by Soft Copy in line with International and Regional WTO TBT Agreement had also been confirmed to get the final approval from this meeting.

National Standards Council Meeting (1/2024)